Frog of the Month
FrogTV: silly froggy animations
Frogs in the News
Everything you need to know about your Pet or Found Frogs!
Stupid Frog Joke of the Day
Froggy Fun and Games
Frog Art Gallery
Frog Books and Stuff - Reviews
Visit the Frog Shop

Dorota's Crazy Frog pages!

mail me!

silly frog Welcome to FROGLAND!
silly frog
Check out Frogland's new FrogBlog for latest random Froggy News!
Information Desk
WEIRD Frog Facts
Learn all sorts of true, weird and wacky facts about frogs and toads!
What's the difference between a frog and a toad?
What do frogs sound like?
Life-cycles of the frog, and much much more!
The Frog Blog
Frogs In the News: Regular updates on all the latest news items, pictures and videos about FROGS!
Save Our Frogs
Our Frogs are disappearing! Find out more about this and see what you can do to help.
International Frogs
How do you say "frog" in another language? Find out here!
Frog Fables
Frog stories to learn from.
Pet Central
Meet my Pet Frogs
Read about my lovely pets.
Frequently Asked Questions About Pet Frogs
Look here for any kind of pet frog questions, from Raising Tadpoles, feeding your frog and Dealing with Icky Bugs, and also sections on Housing your pet frog. Be sure to visit the Frog Doctor to find out what to do if your frog gets sick. Before you buy a frog, read the section on Your First Frog here. Also, if you want to find out about a specific type of frog, look in the Species Caresheets for in-depth information on different types of frogs. There's even a section with suggestions for Naming Your Pet Frog!
Frog Books and Stuff - Reviews
Wondering where to start when looking for a good froggy book? Here is a list of my favorite resources on pet care, beautiful frog photography books, and favorite kids books, including the ones my own kids love best.
Cool Froggy Stuff
Frog Art Gallery
Frog art and photos galore! Check out froggish photo exhibits and drawings and clip-art, and you can even find some ascii art frogs here.
Random Frog Image Generator
Just can't get enough Frog Photos? You should find plenty of pictures here!
Froggy Coloring Book
Print these pages to color your own froggies!
Frog TV
Watch animated Frog TV in a small pop-up window.
Froggy Stuff for your Computer
Download all kinds of free super neato keen froggy stuff: icons, cursors, screensavers and more! You'll also find links to computer games here.
NEW! Froggy Shopping Guide
Looking to find that perfect something for your favorite frog-lover? Here is my short-list of current favorite items for the best froggishly cool gifts.
Ye Olde Frogge Shoppe
Buy a Frogland T-shirt or a hot-cocoa mug or a mousepad and help support this website. Plus, you'll look froggishly chique!
Just For Fun
What Kind of Frog Are You?
Feeling Froggish? Take this personality quiz to find out what kind of frog YOU are!
The Amazing Morphing Frog
Am I really a frog? Watch me Morph from Crazy Dorota to a Crazy Froggy!
Frog Bread!!
OK, I just have to add a link to our cool Frog Bread that my husband and I made for our son! The article (which is on another website for artisan bread baking hobbyists that we maintain as well) even includes a recipe and instructions so that you can bake this at home too!
Interactive Froggy Fun and Games
If your browser supports Java, check out some silly java fun. Make a silly story with froggy mad-libs, play memory, tic tac toe, or join in other fun froggish games.
You'll also find some Macromedia Flash and Shockwave fun froggish stuff here too!
Stupid Frog Jokes
All the rest of the stupid frog jokes are posted here.
Funniest Frog!!
What IS the funniest frog?
Frog Talk
Places to chat with other froggy fans.
Resource Center
Froggy Happenings
Find out if there are any local froggish events in your area.
Teachers Corner
Teachers and Parents should drop by for some learning ideas here.
About Frogland
About this website
Peek into the twisted mind of the frog freak who created all this silliness.

Stuck in frames? Click here.

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All images, including backgrounds and artwork, found at this site are original works created by me, Dorota, unless otherwise noted. See the About Frogland Images page for more information.
Copyright © 1995-2006 Dorota

Frogland : serving you Froggy Silliness since August, 1995!

My Frogland site is proud to have won these AWARDS!

Visit my Jewelry Site and look for some handcrafted frog themed stuff!