Getting a WebPage
(where to find a service providor and general FAQ)
The List™ the whitepages of service providers per area.
thedirectory recomendations listed.
Domain Name Frequently Asked Questions
Web Based Whois Search Find out who registered a domain name, or if your favorite name has been taken at all.
InterNIC Accredited Registrar Directory list of ICANN-accredited registrars that are currently taking registrations in the .com, .net and .org domains.
Graphics: Patterns, Icons, Buttons, Lines, etc.

Browser Safe colors. Save image locally and save the pallette.
Web Graphics:
Visual Jewel Mine (and these are lovely!)
WebGFX cool tools to make buttons, interfaces, etc
Art a la Carte
Background Paradise links to it all!
Animation amazingly huge collection of animated GIFs!
Buttons, Bars, Clipart, etc.:
Leo's Icon Archive
Bryces Buttons and Widgets
Octagamm's Ball Boutique Anything to do with buttons and balls, as well as decorative lettering and backgrounds
desktopPublishing's Image Paradise This guy even made a special alphabet listing for me!
Randy's Icon and Image
Bazaar Good resource of icons and banners etc separated by style and use.
The Clipart Connection Theme Specific Clip Art Links.
Barry's Clip Art Server Probably the largest clipart collection around...
Listings: The ULTIMATE Desktop Publishing Resource What can I say, he's got it covered!
The Clip Art Connection Clip Art Links.
Search Yahoo for CLIP ART.
Useful Web Editing Tools
HTML Pad cheap...basic, WUSIWYN (what you see is what you need)
HomeSite not cheap...less buggy WUSIWYN editor
GIF Construction Set For making animated images.
Sound Gadget 32-bit sound player (records, converts, and edits as well)
Animated cursor and icon editors has been my preferred little utility for making and editing icons and animated cursors.
Goldwave .wav, .voc, .afc, .au, and binary data sound file editor.
Slim down images for faster loading time. Enter URL of image to be analized below.
Background Colors
Background Color Selector Page
Lets you preview. Pick all basic colors and see it online.
Color Maker Uses
How To Web Resources
HTML Special Characters List How to make those weird &©®¥ Characters!
A Beginner's Guide to HTML
The Web Developer's Virtual Library (
Composing Good HTML
How do they do that with HTML? Awesome listing of tips and tricks.
The Bare Bones Guide to HTML provides a "cheat sheet" for HTML tags. Besides including virtually all HTML 2.0 tags, it also includes popular Netscape extensions and several HTML 3.0 tags.
D.J. Quad's Ultimate HTML Site And it is! Everything you need to know but were afraid to ask.
Aurora's Introduction to HTML Good Beginner's Tutorial.
How to create a Web Page Flashy but useful...
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) (CERN HTML Specs, listings)
Java Guides
Voodo's Introduction to JavaScript
Website Abstraction free java scripts all sorts of cool stuff, including java scripts...
Matt's Script Archive well, not Java, but it fits here best: Perl CGI Scripts, C++ CGI Programs, etc.
Cut-N-Paste Java Scripts
Sun's Java Applets Free applets.
Timothy's JavaScript Examples Some more free java apps.
Web Site Promotion
Submit It!® Free service allows you to announce your Web site to about 20 search engines and directories. For a fee you can submit it to about 400.
AAAThis service will submit your site to 100 directories for a very reasonable fee.
Exploit Submission Wizard Try the free version of the award winning site submission software.
HTML Clean-Up
WebSter's Dictionary 2.0 This program provides a forms-based gateway to a spell checker for WWW documents.It will retrieve the document and spell check it. Any HTML markup is automatically ignored. This provides an easy way to check documents for mistakes without having to deal with the problems of a traditional spell checker flagging markup code.
Doctor HTML v4 retrieves a Web page and performs several tests to see if your document is in tip-top shape.
GifWizard really cool program which checks images on your webpage and spits out slimmed down images.