Want to Link TO Frogland from your Website?
Permission is granted (Thank you!), as long as you follow these rules:
Do not misrepresent Frogland content as your own.
Make it clear that you are linking to Frogland when using these images.Do not present Frogland content within an HTML frame.
The best thing to do is to open a new window if you really want to make sure your site is still up on folks pages.You may use any of my frog images in your noncommercial pages, with an appropriate link to this site.
I ask that you please DO NOT link directly to my images but rather download them to your local server first.
Direct links cause my server a lot of extra strain, slowing down the local downloads, and in general it's just not a very nice practice!Please do not redistribute my graphics in any "free clip art collections." There are images and photos appearing by permission in Frogland that I did not create myself.
I ask that you respect copyright rules in regards to use of such images.If you mention Frogland in a review,
I would definitely appreciate getting a copy of your article,
or at least being told where the review appears!Sorry, I don't do "link exchanges" or "banner exchanges,"
especially when sites have little to do with relevant subject matter.
If you have a webpage with frog stuff with a link to Frogland,
you can submit it to be added to the Leaping Pad section.
(Pages with lots of original work, or new and unique info/stuff are of particular interest...
There are starting to be a lot of "copy-cats" on the web now.)
Check the Link Request page for Info.
The correct URL is:
You are welcome to use the the following images as links if you'd like---they strike me as pretty funny, but you certainly should not in any way feel required to use them!!!To use these images as links, copy the GIF or JPG file to your machine.
(On a PC, right click to get the pop-up menu, on a MAC, hold down the mouse button over it for a short while, and select Save As - remember what the image is called.)
Then, transfer it to your local server and use the HTML tag below
(replace IMAGE.JPGorGIF with the image name and filetype.<A HREF="http://allaboutfrogs.org/" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="IMAGE.JPGorGIF" ALT="Visit Frogland! at allaboutfrogs.org"></A>
Don't forget, if you REALLY like my site, help support it!! Buy a cool Frogland T-shirt in
Ye Olde Frogge Shoppe!