Where To Buy....

I get a lot of emails from people looking for where to buy frogs, frog supplies,
frog terrariums, pond supplies, frog collectibles, you name it....

The thing is, I don't really sell anything here.
Well...you can buy a T-shirt in Ye Olde Frogge Shoppe if you like the site a lot and you really want to share it with the world, but generally speaking, this site isn't out to make money.

However, since a lot of you guys are asking for this, and this site pays for maintenance through whatever scraps of change it can scrounge, do feel free to visit any of the banner ad links on this page (or any of the other pages where you see ads on Frogland) that Google provides!
I was kindof against the idea of ads, but Google searches for stuff that's relevant so there should be no casino ads or other yucky pop-ups AND the ads should actually be for things that are relevant to what this site is all about!

By the way, if you're wondering where to find a pet frog, I would try picking up the yellow pages in your area first, and start calling all the local pet stores and asking whether they carry the frog you want, and if not, could they arrange to have it ordered for you. Same goes for supplies, although you can also try local bait and tackle shops for bugs.
Happy Hunting!